Design in practice.

Virtuous design

practices by 

JoeVelluto Studio.

Design in practice – Virtuous design practices is an interdisciplinary project that aims to generate a deep reflection on the ability of design to inspire consciences and move habits. An on-line platform that through external contributions and examples of “good practices” has the ambition to guide the mindset of those who observe and perform actions in everyday life.

The topics: responsibility, social perspective, sustainability, circular economy and design, respect for the environment and for every form existing – are some of the themes addressed as a consequence of a virtuous behavior.

The inspiration for this project lies in the buddhist Noble Eightfold Path: eight principles for a more conscious life that – if applied to the discipline of design – could generate projects and products with a high degree of virtue. These eight points, whose practices have the intent of orienting words, actions and thought, are here joined to a translation in a design key from which originates a new path with a dual soul. The Eightfold path of virtuous design, the result of this hybridization, proposes eight new principles that – placed in a synergistic circularity – generate an inexhaustible cycle.

Design in practice.

Virtuos design practices


Joe Velluto Studio.

Design in Practice – Virtuous design practices is an interdisciplinary project that aims to generate a deep reflection on the ability of design to inspire consciences and move habits. An on-line platform that through external contributions and examples of “good practices” has the ambition to guide the mindset of those who observe and perform actions in everyday life.

The topics: responsibility, social perspective, sustainability, circular economy and design, respect for the environment and for every form existing – are some of the themes addressed as a consequence of a virtuous behavior.

The inspiration for this project lies in the buddhist Noble Eightfold Path: eight principles for a more conscious life that – if applied to the discipline of design – could generate projects and products with a high degree of virtue. These eight points, whose practices have the intent of orienting words, actions and thought, are here joined to a translation in a design key from which originates a new path with a dual soul. The Eightfold path of virtuous design, the result of this hybridization, proposes eight new principles that – placed in a synergistic circularity – generate an inexhaustible cycle.